OUIK > News > Collaborative research > Noto



Release Release of the Animated version of the Picture Book “Let’s Make a Harvest Feast”

2020/10/09 In order to pass on the value of the Globally Important  Agricultural Heritage Sytems (GIAHS) of "Noto Satoyama Satoumi" and the local foo ...Read more

Suzu City Elementary Schools SDGs Learning: An Online Lecture for Sustainable Development Goal 14: Life Below Water

Ms. Evonne Yiu, a Research Associate from OUIK, gave an online lecture at an elementary school in Suzu City on 3rd September 2020 as part of the city’ ...Read more

SDGs Mii’s Feast Project #8

In the 8th and final event, students participated in an ancient festival in Okunoto (northern part of Noto Peninsula) called Aenokoto. Every year on D ...Read more

SDGs Mii’s Feast Project #7 

The SDGs Mii's Gottzo Project, launched in May 2019, has been conducting field learning programmes around Mii town, Wajima City. On the 26th of Novemb ...Read more

Report of the 2nd GIAHS Academic Programme in Noto Peninsula, Ishikawa Prefecture

 This is a report on the 2nd GIAHS Academic Programme, a 3 day academic trip to the Noto Peninsula in Ishikawa Prefecture, held from November 9th to 1 ...Read more

SDGs Mii’s Feast Project #6

Please check: https://ouik.unu.edu/news/2433 ...Read more

SDGs Mii’s Feast Project #6

The third activity held in July was an excursion to Suzu City to try making flying fish broth called agodashi. Agodashi is a Japanese soup stock (dash ...Read more

Launching of the SDGs Mii’s Feast Project

In May 2019, the Maruyama Group, which conducts local educational activities in Wajima City, Ishikawa Prefecture, in cooperation with the Mii Elementa ...Read more

Participation in the 11th East Asia Agricultural Heritage Conference Working Group Meeting

2019/3/4, Seoul The East Asia Agricultural Heritage Conference, which brings together researchers, municipalities, and practitioners from China, So ...Read more

Biocultural Walking workshop introduced in Future Earth Blog

In April 2018, OUIK hosted Biocultural walking workshop proposed by Stockholm Resilience Center and IR3S, the University of Tokyo. Prominent internati ...Read more



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