OUIK > News > Collaborative research > Noto > Release Release of the Animated version of the Picture Book “Let’s Make a Harvest Feast”


Release Release of the Animated version of the Picture Book “Let’s Make a Harvest Feast”


In order to pass on the value of the Globally Important  Agricultural Heritage Sytems (GIAHS) of “Noto Satoyama Satoumi” and the local food culture to future generations, the Noto Region GIAHS Promotion Council and the United Nations University IAS-OUIK collaborated with local experts to create the picture book “Let’s Make a Harvest Feast” in 2018. This book offers an engaging way to learn about life in Noto, seasonal events, and food culture, making it interesting even for adults.

In 2019, an environmental education program themed around this picture book, called the “SDGs Mitsui Feast Project,” was conducted year-round at Mitsui Elementary School in Wajima City, Ishikawa Prefecture. Students harvested ingredients and learned about the local environment, traditions, and sustainable futures while creating their own “gottso” (feast).

To promote such educational activities more vigorously, OUIK has produced an animated version of the picture book this year. For the video production, specialists and locals helped to faithfully recreate sounds such as festival music, dialects, and bird calls. Additionally, with the completion of the English version, we plan to establish exchange activities between local elementary schools in Noto and the Ifugao  Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems (GIAHS) (Ifugao Rice Terrace GIAHS) in the Philippines, utilizing this story to create international learning environments.



We hope that this content will be enjoyed not only in educational settings such as schools but also at home.



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