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Suzu City Elementary Schools SDGs Learning: An Online Lecture for Sustainable Development Goal 14: Life Below Water

Ms. Evonne Yiu, a Research Associate from OUIK, gave an online lecture at an elementary school in Suzu City on 3rd September 2020 as part of the city’s SDGs Learning Programme. She gave an introductory lesson on Sustainable Development Goal 14: Life Below Water at Shouin elementary school, where students are doing their part to advance Goal 14.

The lecture encouraged the students to think about what they can do to revitalise Noto’s Satoyama and Satoumi. Ms. Yie presented several essential facts and concerns to the students to help them understand the connection between people’s lives and the sea. For example, she explained the Satoumi’s critical function as the “cradle of the sea” that conserves the biodiversity of the marine ecosystem, and that once waste has been washed out to sea, it can continue floating there without being decomposed for hundreds of years. Finally, all the students presented what they learnt through the lesson and what they can start right now. The students became aware that there are things they can do in their own lives and on a local level to address international issues.

We are looking forward to seeing how the students’ efforts will develop as the Programme progresses.



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