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Participation in the 11th East Asia Agricultural Heritage Conference Working Group Meeting

2019/3/4, Seoul


The East Asia Agricultural Heritage Conference, which brings together researchers, municipalities, and practitioners from China, South Korea, and Japan who are involved in Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems (GIAHS), is celebrating its 6th edition this year. This year, the conference will be held from May 20 to 22 in Hadong County, South Korea, which is recognized for its traditional tea cultivation.

Ahead of the event, the 11th working group meeting was held in Seoul, where experts from China, South Korea, and Japan, as well as representatives from Hadong County, gathered to discuss the intended outcomes of the conference, proposals for subcommittees, and field visits.

Additionally, on the day before the conference, an international symposium titled “Conservation and Utilization of Agricultural, Forestry, and Fisheries Heritage” was held at the initiative of the South Korean side. At this symposium, Akira Nagata, Senior Program Coordinator from the United Nations University, presented the current status of Japan’s GIAHS, and Mikiko Nagai, Secretary-General of UNU-IAS OUIK, shared examples of environmental education from the Noto GIAHS during a panel discussion.

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