OUIK Biocultural Diversity Series #5 Restoring Kinship with Nature through Japanese Gardens -The Challenge to Achieve a Sustainable Commons in Kanazawa
The book introduces unique roles and teachings of Japanese Gardens in Kanazawa City in a relation with human society and it is breaking new ground for Kanazawa’s sustainable future.
Official report of International Forum Series to Commemorate One-Year Anniversary of the 1st Asian Conference on Biocultural Diversity[Electronic Version]
After one year since the 1st Asian Conference on Biocultural Diversity, a series of 2 inernational forums were held to explore the measurements to further promote the Ishikawa Declaration with international initiatives and East Asian partner.
International Forum Series 1 (4/10/2017)
Biocultural diversity & satoyama: Effort towards societies in harmony with nature around the world.
International Forum Series 2 (15/10/2017)
Preserving Biocultural Diversity for Future Generations:Partnarship of East Aisan Countries.
Let’s Make a Harvest Feast!
能登地域GIAHS 推進協議会は、2016年2月にGIAHS 国内専門家会議での助言を反映しながら、2016年から2020年までのアクションプランを策定しています。専門家による助言の一つとして、高等教育機関による次世代育成とともに小中学校でのGIAHSをテーマとした教育の重要性が指摘されました。これを受けて、能登地域GIAHS 推進協議会、国連大学IAS-OUIKでは地域の有識者とともに小学校低学年に向けてGIAHSの価値が伝わるような教材を作成しました。
制作 能登地域GIAHS推進協議会
編集・発行 国連大学サスティナビリティ高等研究所 いしかわ・かなざわオペレーティング・ユニット(UNU-IAS OUIK)
監修協力 伊藤浩二(金沢大学能登里山里海研究部門(珠洲市))
イラスト・デザイン ほんだゆきこ
文 小山明子(UNU-IAS OUIK)
Copyright © 2018 Noto Regional Association for GIAHS Promotion and Cooperation/UNU-IAS OUIK
OUIK Biocultural Diversity Series #4 [Learning About the Satoyama and Satoumi of Hokuriku Region from Maps]
The Road to Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems (GIAHS) -United Nations University’s Journeys with Local Communities-
The Booklet presents the value and history of GIAHS through the cases and reports from Japan and East Asia. (For a higher resolution version, please download from here)
OUIK Biocultural Diversity Series #3 Noto Satoumi Movement-Passing on wisdom of living with the sea
It documents discussions and article contributions by speakers who participated in the OUIK Noto Satoumi Lecture Series held in 2015. This lecture series highlighted the Noto Satoumi Movement, which emphasizes local, traditional wisdom of living with the sea, and led in part to the Noto Peninsula’s designation as a Globally Important Agricultural Heritage System (GIAHS) in 2011.
The Noto Satoumi Movement aims to establish the Noto region of Ishikawa Prefecture as a leading center for satoumi research and conservation efforts on the Sea of Japan, as well as to promote a deeper awareness both in and outside of Japan of the concept of Satoumi, the charm of Noto’s satoumi and its related livelihoods, and the importance of satoumi conservation. The booklet is vailable from here
Abstract Book of 1st Asian Conference on Biocultural Diversity Thematic meetings and Poster Presentations [Electronic Version]
Abstract Book of 1st Asian Conference on Biocultural Diversity Thematic meetings and Poster Presentations
Policies and Actions on Biocultural Diversity for Sustainable Communities
ISBN: 978-92-808-4572-3 [Electronic Version]
*Note: the ISBN and the page number are different from printing version.