OUIK > Biocultural duversity platform > Collaborative research

生物文化多様性Biocultural diversity platform

Collaborative research

Noto: Preservation and utilization of Noto’s Satoyama and Satoumi

In 2011, Noto’s Sotoyama and Satoumi were designated by FAO as the first GIAHS site in an industrialized country, along with Sado’s satoyama in Harmony with Crested Ibis. United Nations University was involved in providing support, helping with global dissemination of the relevant information, and carrying …Read more

Mt. Hakusan: Preservation of biocultural diversity in the areas around Mt. Hakusan – Collaboration with Hakusan Biosphere Reserve and Hakusan Tedorigawa Geopark

OUIK started collaborating with Mount Hakusan Biosphere Reserve and Hakusan Tedorigawa Geopark.
The UNESCO Man and Biosphere Programme (MAB) was launched in 1971. At present, 651 sites in 120 countries belong to the World Network of Biosphere Reserves…Read more

Kanazawa: A biocultural region and a creative city: A sustainable city model

OUIK has collected information about the versatile urban functions of Kanazawa City, and disseminated the information through seminars and symposia. We organized the “City and Biological Diversity” research group, which focuses on the relationship between urban cultural elements such as architecture,…Read more

Collection of map information: Contribution to the understanding of biocultural diversity and ecosystem service

OUIK is mapping information for understanding the relationship between regional nature and culture. We have published the booklets “Noto’s Satoyama and Satoumi Maps” and “Kanazawa Nature and Culture Maps”.
We are collecting map information at different levels of prefectures and municipalities in the …Read more

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