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バイオームイベント in 七尾(ななおSDGsスイッチ!)
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生きもの調査 in 能登島
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e-ラーニング教材「2021年度 地域の食・文化からつながる海外交流!」
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Sorry, this entry is only available in Japanese. ...Read more
Noto x Ifugao Elementary School Students Exchange Program for FY2021 (3rd)
The United Nations University UNU-IAS OUIK, Noto SDGs Lab., and Ifugao State University GIAHS Center are collaborating to promote exchanges between ch ...Read more
第三回 能登GIAHS生物多様性ワーキンググループが開催されました
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A poster introducing the activities of the Biodiversity Working Group was created
The United Nations University Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability Operating Unit Ishikawa/Kanazawa(UNU-IAS OUIK) is supporting the acti ...Read more
Noto’s Satoyama and Satoumi “Passing down the Food Knowledge and Skills” video series is now available!
The Noto Peninsula in Ishikawa prefecture, Japan is a region where the traditional knowledge of cultivating and preserving local produce has been pass ...Read more