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NOTOFUE Members’ Satoumi Study Session

2022/3/10, Noto

On March 10th, a study session focusing on the satoumi (coastal sea) was held at the Noto Marine Center, featuring six chefs from the NOTOFUE organization, who are active in Ishikawa Prefecture. The UNU-IAS OUIK also provided coordinating support for the event.

The session began with a presentation by Keiichi Sakai (Researcher, Kanazawa University’s Institute of Natural and Environmental Technology), who discussed the characteristics of Noto’s satoumi and the history of utilizing marine products. Given that the chefs are dedicated to exploring the ingredients from Noto’s satoumi, a passionate discussion followed the lecture, leading to many questions such as, “What are the impacts of global warming?” and “What can we do?” The engaging discussions continued, and it was decided to organize similar events in the future, marking the end of the first half of the lecture.

Satoumi lecture

In the second half, participants went outdoors, where Yuma Higashide (Noto Marine Center) provided insights about marine life along the shore. While observing various coastal creatures, attendees had the chance to touch them and even taste some edible seaweed. There were enthusiastic reactions like, “This is delicious!” indicating many new discoveries. The beautiful weather provided warm sunshine, allowing for a fulfilling observation session.

Chefs listening intently to the explanation about seaweed

Looking ahead, it will be exciting to see what initiatives will emerge from this event.





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