OUIK > News > Collaborative research > Noto > E-Learning Material: “2021 Regional Food and Culture Connected Overseas Exchange!”


E-Learning Material: “2021 Regional Food and Culture Connected Overseas Exchange!”


The e-learning material “2021 Regional Food and Culture Connected Overseas Exchange!” (Part 1 and Part 2), developed primarily by Researcher Koyama, was released on the Hokuriku ESD Consortium’s YouTube channel on March 10.

This material introduces the educational initiatives related to the Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems (GIAHS) that the UNU-IAS OUIK has been working on in Noto (Part 1), as well as online exchanges between children from the GIAHS regions of Noto and Ifugao, conducted in collaboration with the Noto SDGs Lab and the GIAHS Center at the National Ifugao University (Part 2).

We hope this will be a useful reference for teachers interested in SDGs learning and overseas exchanges that utilize local characteristics, as well as for those involved in children’s educational activities. Please take a look!

Introduction to the United Nations University initiatives (Part 1): https://youtu.be/M9f_0J0ScwM
Introduction to the Ifugao exchange (Part 2): https://youtu.be/9MnbFblm2SY



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