OUIK > Events > 1st Asian conference on biocultural diversity > Preserving Biocultural Diversity for Future Generations-Partnership among East Asian Countries-


Preserving Biocultural Diversity for Future Generations-Partnership among East Asian Countries-

日時 / Date : 2017/10/15 13:30-17:30
場所 / Place : 金沢市 文化ホール3階大会議室

International Forum Series to Commemorate One-Year Anniversary of the 1st Asian Conference on Biocultural Diversity

At the 1st Asian Conference on Biocultural Diversity held in October 2016 in Nanao Ishikawa, the participants mutually recognized that local wisdom about sustainable use of natural resources and biological diversity are strongly linked. During this conference, we discussed policies to realize societies that coexist with nature by utilizing diverse natural and cultural resources of local communities. The Ishikawa Declaration, which states various approaches taken by national and local authorities, international society, and the academic community, at their own level, to support the sustainability of local communities, was adopted at this conference. To commemorate the one-year anniversary of the 1st Asian Conference on Biocultural Diversity, we will explore the measurements to further promote the Ishikawa Declaration with international initiatives and East Asian partner.

International Forum 2[Preserving Biocultural Diversity for Future Generations-Partnership among East Asian Countries-]

The second forum will be held celebrating the East Asian Members’ Assembly of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) in Kanazawa. In this forum, we will discuss the East Asian biocultural diversity issues and explore with youth how we can pass on the biocultural diversity to the future generations contemplating each case study presented by the representative from Japan, China, and the Republic of Korea.

Kanazawa City was selected as “Culture Cities of East Asia” for next year, 2018. It is highly expected that this selection will accelerate solidarity among three countries, Japan, China, and Korea, through culture. This forum will bring the opportunity to discuss the feasibility of collaborative relationship between East Asian countries in the context of preservation of biodiversity and cultural creativity.

Organizer: Japan Committee for IUCN,  UNU-IAS OUIK

Supported by: Ishikawa Prefecture, Kanazawa City

Japanese-English simultaneous translation will be provided


13:30-13:45 Opening

13:45-14:15 Keynote Speech: Professor Masahito Yoshida (University of Tsukuba) “Reviewing Linkage betweem Nature and Culture in East Asia- from capacity development perspective” 

14:15-15:30 Section 1: Case Studies on Biocultural Diversity

 Coordinator: Tsunao Watanabe (UNU-IAS OUIK)

  •  Ishikawa Case Study (Yoshihiko Iida,  UNU-IAS OUIK) 
  •  China Case Study (TBD: IUCN-C representative)
  •  Republic of Korea Case Study (TBD: IUCN-K representative)
  • Japan Case Study (TBD: from an IUCN-J member organisation) , and Q&A

15:30-15:45 Coffee Break

15:45-17:15 Section 2: Youth Session

Cases from China, Korea, Japan and Report of the Youth session at The Tripartite Environmental Ministers Meeting Among Japan, China and Korea (TEMM) to discuss how to  enhance the youth partnership  among the three countries.

17:15-17:30 Closing  Masahiko Horie, Ambassador for Global Environmental Affairs (IUCN  Councillor) 

Pick up
