OUIK > Events > 1st Asian conference on biocultural diversity > Involving multi-stakeholders for biocultural diversity: Asian Biosphere Reserves


Involving multi-stakeholders for biocultural diversity: Asian Biosphere Reserves

日時 / Date : Monday, 25 to Tuesday, 26 July 2016
場所 / Place : Elizabeth Rose Hall, 5th Floor, United Nations University Headquarters [Tokyo, JAPAN]


To achieve the local sustainable development in harmony with nature, perspectives such as the conservation of biodiversity, succession of cultural diversity, and social and economic development is important. Toward this goal, involvement of multi stakeholders is essential. This symposium will seek for a model case of sustainable development in Asia, reconfirming the significance and potential of UNESCO’s MAB Programme, and regarding the implementation of Lima Action Plan 2016-2025 adopted in March 2016 for the next 10 years.
Additionally, we will exchange ideas for the management toward the local sustainable development in harmony with nature, and the involvement of multi stakeholders especially focusing on local residents regarding the Japanese biosphere reserve’s case.

Organizers or Co-organizers:
Japanese Biosphere Reserves Network (JBRN)
Mount Hakusan Biosphere Reserve Council
Operating Unit Ishikawa/Kanazawa (OUIK), United Nations University Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability

Japanese Coordinating Committee for MAB (TBC)

Global Environment Outreach Center (GEOC)

* Part of this event is financially supported by (FY 2016) Official Development Assistance Grants for UNESCO Activities “Mutual learning platform for Asian local practitioners of UNESCO’s Man and the Biosphere (MAB) Programme” from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT).


Monday, 25 July

International Symposium (with simultaneous interpretation) [Public open]
Elizabeth Rose Conference Hall, 5th Floor    MC: Ms. Mikiko Nagai (Office Manager, OUIK)

14:30 Opening Remarks

14:45   Dr. Hiroyuki Matsuda (Member, MAB Strategy Group / Chair, Japanese Coordinating Committee for MAB)
“MAB Strategy and Lima Action Plan”

15:15   Dr. Do-Soon Cho (Chair, Korean MAB National Committee / Member, International Advisory Committee for Biosphere Reserves)
“Implementation of Lima Action Plan in Republic of Korea”

15:35   Dr. Roman Jashenko (Chair, Kazakhstan MAB National Committee)
“Implementation of Lima Action Plan in Kazakhstan”

15:50   Indonesian MAB National Committee (TBC)
“Implementation of Lima Action Plan in Indonesia”

16:05   Break

16:20  Discussion “Implementation of Lima Action Plan in Asia”
Moderator: Mr. Tsunao Watanabe (Director, Operating Unit Ishikawa/Kanazawa, United Nations University Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability)

17:20   General Comments

17:25   Closing Remarks

17:30 Closing


18:00-20:00   Banquet [member only]
Lounge (outside the Elizabeth Rose Conference Hall), 5th Floor

Tuesday, 26 July

10:00-12:30   Parallel Workshops (in Japanese) [member only]
Committee Rooms 2 & 3, UNU headquarter 5th foor 
 Workshop 1 “Considering management of biosphere reserves” (Tentative)
 Workshop 2 “Considering public awareness inside the biosphere reserves” (Tentative)

12:30-14:00   Lunch

14:00-15:00   Plenary Session (in Japanese) [member only]
Committee Rooms 2 & 3 (Jointed)
Moderator: Dr. Yoshihiko Iida (Research Associate, Operating Unit Ishikawa/Kanazawa, United Nations University

15:00 Closing

Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability)



See attachment.


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