OUIK > Events > Collaborative research > Kanazawa > Symposium “Restoring Kinship with Nature through Japanese Gardens”


Symposium “Restoring Kinship with Nature through Japanese Gardens”

日時 / Date : 2019/7/6
場所 / Place : 金沢21世紀美術館 市民ギャラリーA

On the 6th of July, OUIK held a symposium at Kanazawa’s 21st century museum, celebrating a publication of a booklet called “Restoring Kinship with Nature through Japanese Garden -the Challenge to Achieve a Sustainable Commons in Kanazawa-”.  It is the 5th book in our Biocultural Diversity Series.


The book covers the unique properties of Japanese Gardens in Kanazawa city – and how they shape and are shaped by the society around them. Over 40 researchers, garden owners and other stakeholders were involved as authors in this booklet and their experience, knowledge, challenges and hopes are shared. It is also explaining the public sector’s policy and strategies for preserving the gardens and nature for the future.

Corresponding author and editor of this booklet is OUIK’s research associate Juan Pastor-Ivars and his community rooted garden preservation activities are introduced as models of sustainable urban nature preservation.

In the symposium, a presentation about Kanazawa’s traditional gardens and 2 talk sessions followed after Juan’s book introduction speech. More than 140 people participated to deepen their understanding of the importance of gardens, nature preservation and Kanazawa’s sustainable future throughout the sessions.

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