On Friday, August 23, 2024, we hosted an event for elementary school students titled “Learn with Sakana-kun at UNU: Important Talks on the Ocean and Plastic Waste,” featuring Sakana-kun* as our special guest. Ms. Sayako Koyama, Research Associate at UNU-IAS OUIK, also had the honor of speaking at the event.
You can read the event report here (available in Japanese only): https://jp.unu.edu/news/news/ocean-and-plastic-waste-event-featuring-sakana-kun.html
*Sakana-kun (Masayuki Ikezawa) is a well-known fish expert, television personality, and environmental advocate in Japan. He is recognized for his deep knowledge of marine life, particularly fish, and has a unique way of presenting this information, often incorporating humor and creativity. Sakana-kun is characterized by his distinctive look, which typically includes a fish-themed hat.