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ICOMOS General Assembly 2023 in Sydney from August 31st to September 9th

From September 3rd to 9th, OUIK Research Associate Dr. Juan Pastor-Ivars assisted the General Assembly 2023 of ICOMOS in Sydney (Australia). ICOMOS, t ...Read more

里海の生き物調査 in 七尾市能登島マリンパーク

Sorry, this entry is only available in Japanese. ...Read more

里山の生き物調査 in 珠洲市蛸島地区

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Spearheading adaptation – Key takeaways from APAN forum

Adaptation is more local than global. This means, we need more ground efforts at the city and rural levels to spearhead adaptation for our communities ...Read more

28th August: APAN pre-forum workshop, Incheon, Korea 

In a collaborative session conducted in partnership with Safety Assistance for Emergencies (SAFE) the spotlight was on the resilience of communities a ...Read more

里海の生き物調査 in 七尾市石崎漁港

Sorry, this entry is only available in Japanese. ...Read more



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