On November 16th, OUIK Researcher Dr. Juan spoke at the “Nature-Inspired Design for Resilience” event Thai Pavilion at COP29 in Baku Azerbaijan. Hosted at the Thailand Pavilion, the session explored the role of architecture and nature as a unique system in advancing climate resilience, focusing on sustainable design, adaptable building materials, and energy-efficient systems.
Dr. Juan shared the floor with Mr. Sarawoot Jansean-Aram and Mr. Piravit Bunyamalik (Architects, Dersyn Studio), and Prof. Kulthida Teachavorasinskun (Chulalongkorn University). The famous landscape architect and Ms. Kotchakorn Voraakhom (Chief Executive Officer, Porous City Network), moderated the discussion.
The speakers showcased strategies to create climate-responsive structures that help to reduce emissions, manage resources sustainably, promoting resilience and adaptation in urban spaces. Dr. Juan presented Japan’s perspective, focusing on Kanazawa and Noto, regions vulnerable to depopulation and natural disasters such as earthquakes and floods. He emphasized the critical role of urban nature, including traditional Japanese gardens and sacred forests, in mitigating climate change impacts, reducing urban heat, and supporting biodiversity. His suggestions included increasing green infrastructure and promoting community-led greening projects to bolster resilience against anticipated climate adversities.
After the presentations, a dialogue between the audience and the presenters highlighted key topics. These included the need for a shift in the human-nature relationship to inspire architecture aligned with natural processes, the global impact of innovative architectural materials, and the importance of designing responsive structures with long-term urban planning in mind. The audience appreciated Dr. Juan’s research-based insights, which complemented the practical perspectives of the other speakers.