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Report on CBD COP13 and OUIK’s contribution

OUIK reported the result of 1st Asian Conference on Biocultural diversity at CBD COP13 in Cancun Mexico. More details ...Read more

Contributions to ‘Forest Environment 2017’: Special Feature on Forest Blessings and Biological Cultural Diversity

2017/3/15 The special theme of the Forest Culture Association's annual report "Forest Environment 2017" is the blessings of the forest and biological ...Read more

Newsletter 2017 January issued

Newsletter 2017 January has been uploaded. Topics of 2016 including 1st Asian conference on biocultural diversity and COP13 are reported. ...Read more

Publication of OUIK Biocultural Diversity Series #3 Noto Satoumi Movement-Passing on Wisdom of Living with the Sea

It documents discussions and article contributions by speakers who participated in the OUIK Noto Satoumi Lecture Series held in 2015. This lecture ser ...Read more

Launch of official website for 1st Asian Biocultural Diversity Conference

The official web-site on 1st Asian Biocultural Diversity Conference has been launched by Ishiksawa Prefecture. Registration for oral and poster presen ...Read more

Comparative Study on Conservation of Agricultural Heritage Systems in China, Japan and Korea

Paper by Evonne Yiu, OUIK research associate on comparison of GIAHS in China, Japan and Korea has been published in JOURNAL OF RESOURCES AND ECOLOGY. ...Read more

OUIK Biocultural series booklet #2 [Mount Hakusan Biosphere Reserve] is now available

OUIK Biocultural series booklet #2 [Mount Hakusan Biosphere Reserve -Creating a new path for communities and nature-] is now available from our public ...Read more

Visit by the Fellows of the National Commission for UNESCO

The Japanese National Commission for UNESCO has been inviting about five fellows of the National Commission for UNESCO in the Asia-Pacific region ever ...Read more

Launch of the Noto Biodiversity Research Group

2016/2/23 Five years have passed since “Noto’s Satoyama and Satoumi” was designated as a Globally Important Agricultural Heritage System (GIAHS) by t ...Read more



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