OUIK > News > Kanazawa Signs Collaboration Agreement Among Industry, Government, and Academia to Advance SDGs


Kanazawa Signs Collaboration Agreement Among Industry, Government, and Academia to Advance SDGs


In September 2015, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) were adopted at the United Nations General Assembly. The international community, including developed countries, has begun efforts to achieve these development goals, which comprise 17 items and 169 targets focused on eradicating poverty and hunger, promoting gender equality, addressing climate change, and conserving biodiversity by the year 2030. It is expected that private companies’ engagement in corporate activities towards achieving the SDGs will significantly contribute to building environmental, social, and economic sustainability at both the global and local levels.

Recently, UNU-IAS OUIK has decided to collaborate with the  Junior Chamber International Kanazawa (JCI Kanazawa), Kanazawa Institute of Technology, and JICA Hokuriku Branch to develop a framework to promote SDG-related business in Kanazawa. A signing ceremony for the memorandum of understanding will be held on August 30. For more details, please refer to the press release.



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