OUIK > News > Collaborative research > Kanazawa



SUN Project: Participatory Action Research (PAR) Kick off in Kikugawa area

OUIK's Researcher, Dr Juan, has initiated Participatory Action Research (PAR) as part of the Sustainable Urban Nature Project in the Kikugawa district ...Read more

Kick-off Event for the Urban Ecosystem Restoration Model City (UNEP)

Kanazawa City has been recognized this year as a model city for urban ecosystem regeneration in the "Generation Restoration Project," which is part of ...Read more

Firefly Survey in Kikugawa

2022/7/1 On Friday, July 1, the United Nations University Institute for Advanced Studies (UNU-IAS) collaborated with the Kikugawa Community Center to ...Read more

Holding of IMAGINE KANAZAWA 2030 Partners Networking Event #10

2022/3/25 The 10th networking event for IMAGINE KANAZAWA 2030 Partners was held on March 25, 2022. The final networking event of the 2022 fiscal year ...Read more

Hold the IMAGINE KANAZAWA 2030 Partners Exchange Meeting #8 & #9

2022/4/1, Kanazawa  In Kanazawa City, a comprehensive vision known as the Kanazawa Future Scenario has been developed through the collection of ideas ...Read more

IMAGINE KANAZAWA 2030 Partners Meeting #7 (December 18, 2021)

On December 18, for the fifth time in 2021, and the seventh time overall, a Partners Meeting was held in Kanazawa. Three organisations, Yaku-yaku Re ...Read more

IMAGINE KANAZAWA 2030 Partners Meeting #6 (November 22, 2021)

IMAGINE KANAZAWA 2030 Partnersis a platform for putting into practice Kanazawa Future Visions through partnerships. On November 22nd, for the fourth t ...Read more

Living Creature Investigation (SUN Project) Interim Debrief Session

2021/11/20 The SUN project is a project to conduct research for the purpose of bringing back nature to urban areas and improving the resilience and ...Read more

IMAGINE KANAZAWA 2030 Workshop on Ideas for an SDG Attainment Index

In order to promote sustainable development as laid out by the United Nations, as well as the associated 17 goals, it is important to measure the degr ...Read more

IMAGINE KANAZAWA 2030 Partners Meeting #5 (September 16, 2021)

IMAGINE KANAZAWA 2030 Partners is a platform for working together through partnerships based on “Kanazawa Future Visions”. As of September 10, 2021, 1 ...Read more



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