OUIK > News > Collaborative research > Noto > A poster introducing the activities of the Biodiversity Working Group was created


A poster introducing the activities of the Biodiversity Working Group was created

The United Nations University Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability Operating Unit Ishikawa/Kanazawa(UNU-IAS OUIK) is supporting the activities of the Biodiversity Working Group established within the Noto Regional Association for GIAHS Promotion and Cooperation this year. As part of its activities, UNU-IAS OUIK worked together with the expert members of the working group and created a poster summarizing the results of its activities to date and future prospective, which was displayed at the International Conference on GIAHS 2021 held in Nanao City in November 25-27, 2021.


The poster describes the efforts of the Working Group to create a system for monitoring biodiversity with citizen participation and to obtain funding for its activities. It also mentions its desire to work in a broad partnership, including other GIHAS-designated areas to achieve its goals.


Please have a look at the poster for more details.

GIAHS Biodiversity WG Poster Jp Eng



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