OUIK > News > Collaborative research



Field study session at Higashiyama-Higashi and Utatsu-Sanroku, preserved districts in Kanazawa

Operating Unit Ishikawa/Kanazawa (OUIK) is assessing the urban impact of depopulation on the cultural landscape of Utatsu-Sanroku and Higashiyama-Higa ...Read more

Invited presentation at the 10th Southeast Asia Biosphere Reserves Network Meeting

Dr. Yoshihiko Iida ,OUIK research associate, participated in the 10th Southeast Asia Biosphere Reserves Network (SeaBRnet) meeting to make  key note s ...Read more

Comparative Study on Conservation of Agricultural Heritage Systems in China, Japan and Korea

Paper by Evonne Yiu, OUIK research associate on comparison of GIAHS in China, Japan and Korea has been published in JOURNAL OF RESOURCES AND ECOLOGY. ...Read more

OUIK Biocultural series booklet #2 [Mount Hakusan Biosphere Reserve] is now available

OUIK Biocultural series booklet #2 [Mount Hakusan Biosphere Reserve -Creating a new path for communities and nature-] is now available from our public ...Read more

Visit by the Fellows of the National Commission for UNESCO

The Japanese National Commission for UNESCO has been inviting about five fellows of the National Commission for UNESCO in the Asia-Pacific region ever ...Read more



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