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IMAGINE KANAZAWA 2030 Study session on the use of private resources for the promotion of Kanazawa SDGs

In order to address social challenges and boost new projects, it is important to provide management resources, including the skills and efforts of individuals and organisations, tools to provide solutions and services, and funds to support the activities of people and organisations. In addition, natural resources that support product manufacturing and service provision, and social capital such as knowledge, information, networks and relationships of trust, as well as education for the upskilling of individuals and organisations are indispensable. We can create a better society by collaborating with each other through partnerships. It is possible for us to attain SDGs in the same way.

As part of IMAGINE KANAZAWA 2030, we held a study session on the use of private resources to promote Kanazawa SDGs on August 19. We have been endeavouring to create new projects and to connect people and organisations for the future of Kanazawa through SDG meetings and our IMAGINE KANAZAWA 2030 Partners. We learned about private-sector resources such as knowhow, financing and circulation systems at this meeting, and will use them to make Kanazawa a sustainable city.

We invited a guest from Eco Village Promotion Division, Nanto City to our first study session, to give a lecture about the establishment of the “Nanto Happy Future Fund,” a public interest incorporated foundation, and its activities. After the lecture, we had a question and answer session and a discussion. The community fund was established by local residents for activities carried out within Nanto City. It finances business related to the seven community challenges through donations and dormant accounts. Although the fund has been operated with municipal support since its establishment, it will be operated independently from fiscal 2023.

People from financial institutions located all over the prefecture participated in the meeting. Case examples of financing through an intermediate support organisation and an SDG promotion organisation were introduced, and a Q&A session about topics related to non-financial support such as assistance with producing human resources was conducted. Non-financial support organisations that help with networking and upskilling were also introduced. Questions about how to collaborate with organisations and how to provide effective support for coping with social challenges were raised.




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