OUIK > News > Collaborative research > Kanazawa > IMAGINE KANAZAWA 2030 Partners Meeting #4 (August 18, 2021)


IMAGINE KANAZAWA 2030 Partners Meeting #4 (August 18, 2021)

IMAGINE KANAZAWA 2030 Partners is a platform for carrying out activities through partnerships based on “Kanazawa Future Visions”. The fourth Partner meeting, held online on August 18, was the second meeting of fiscal 2021. Many people from companies and organisations, as well as individuals, participated in the meeting.

At the meeting, short presentations were given on collaborative projects, and a discussion was held in view of realising the Kanazawa Future Visions.

DREAM WORKS, a PC recycling business, and Kanazawa Rainbow Pride, an organisation that supports the LGBTQ+ community, made short presentations. DREAM WORKS reported that they have provided recycled PCs to children of families that cannot afford to buy their own. Their activities have received the approval of companies in Fukui Prefecture, and are being expanded. They proposed to expand into Kanazawa and develop children’s potential through IT education.

Kanazawa Rainbow Pride requested the cooperation of Kanazawa Pride Week, which includes the Rainbow Parade, the first such parade in the Hokuriku region, a study session for companies, an educational forum and a film screening. The presenters and participants shared ideas on ways to promote understanding of sexual minorities.

In addition to the above two presentations, a session was held to talk about any topics related to the promotion of SDGs with Ms. Nagai, the OUIK office manager.Kao Group Customer Marketing Co., Ltd. asked what we can do in Kanazawa for the promotion of SDGs and ESG. A member of the Ishikawa Single Mothers Association proposed holding makeup and hair care courses for single mothers who usually do not spend time and money on themselves. Such courses would be an opportunity to develop connections with other members. 

In the group discussions, individuals and organisations shared their knowledge, experiences and ideas to boost project initiatives and resolve issues related to the SDGs. The discussions seemed to be a good opportunity for presenters and participants to gain awareness, learn, and make new connections.



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