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IMAGINE KANAZAWA 2030 Partners Exchange Meeting #3 (July 13, 2021)

IMAGINE KANAZAWA 2030 Partners is a platform for implementing the Kanazawa Future Visions action plan through partnerships. One year after its establishment, it has developed into a large platform used by 140 companies, organisations and individuals.




The third Partners Exchange Meeting was held on July 13 with as many as fifty participants. At the meetings this year, short presentations will be given on “projects to be carried out through collaboration between partners” and “topics to be discussed with partners,” and discussions based on the presentations will be held subsequently. Today, five companies and organisations gave short presentations on their activities, and participants were divided into five discussion groups.

The following five companies and organisations gave presentations today:

1) Nomura Securities Co., Ltd.: “Sustainability transformation (SX)”
2) kanazaWAZA Laboratory: “Sustain-art Project: Abandoned bamboo forests”
3) Code for Kanazawa: “Call for participation in the regional problem-solving competition”
4) Ishikawa’s Morning Catch Project Secretariat, Ishikawa Chuo Uoichi Corporation: “Promotion of sustainable seafood distribution”
5) Lotus Concept Co., Ltd.: “Hands-on promotion of barley straws”



Nomura Securities Co., Ltd.introduced ESG-based investment predicated on sympathy and support, and the ecosystem for sustainable transformation in Kanazawa. They explained their intention of teaching high school students about ESG-based investment.

kanazaWAZA Laboratory. explained how they are using art to solve the problem of abandoned bamboo forests in Kanazawa. They are planning a circulation-model art project, which involves the management of bamboo forests by felling, bamboo art production and soil improvement through the reuse of bamboo. Their work is being carried out in collaboration with various parties such as major companies, government, residents and educational institutions.

Code for Kanazawa aims to solve regional problems through IT and design. They introduced their regional problem-solving competition, the goal of which is to solve regional problems through ICT.

Ishikawa’s Morning Catch Project Secretariat, Ishikawa Chuo Uoichi Corporation explained their project for the promotion of eco labels. There are various eco-label accreditation systems such as MEL (Marine Eco Label), MSC (Marine Stewardship Council) and ASC (Aquaculture Stewardship Council). Products are accredited based on an evaluation of sustainability and environmental impact reduction associated with catching and cultivation methods. They talked about their plan to diffuse information and hold events featuring accredited products.

Lastly, Lotus Concept Co., Ltd. introduced the barley straws they manufacture and sell. They are trying to popularise barley straws in order to reduce the environmental impact caused by the production and disposal of plastic straws. Their straws, which are made of barley from Komatsu City, Ishikawa, are used at Senshu University and at hotels in Kanazawa.

Group discussions were held after the presentations. The presenters talked about their motivation and passion, and participants asked questions and made proposals. The discussions seemed to be a good opportunity to create something new through collaboration.



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