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First IMAGINE KANAZAWA 2030 Promotion Meeting Held

2020/06/29, Kanazawa

In March 2019, a collaborative project called “IMAGINE KANAZAWA 2030” was launched by the United Nations University OUIK, Kanazawa City, and the Junior Chamber International Kanazawa to promote a sustainable Kanazawa through partnership. As part of this initiative, SDGs meetings have been held, bringing together diverse stakeholders across different positions and generations to envision the ideal future of Kanazawa and brainstorm ideas, resulting in the creation of the “Kanazawa Future Scenario.”

On June 29, 2020, to achieve the SDGs, this Promotion Meeting was established to facilitate collaboration and action among various entities through the “Kanazawa Future Scenario.” Members representing industries, education, government, finance, and civic organizations participated, exchanging opinions and building a cooperative framework.

The meeting elected Kanazawa City Mayor Yamano as chair, with Kanazawa Chamber of Commerce Chairman Tsuruya and the Director of the UNU-IAS OUIK, Watanabe, serving as vice-chairs. The auditors were selected from the Junior Chamber International Kanazawa (JCI Kanazawa), Koyanai, and the Director of the Kanazawa City Accounting Division, Tokuda.

Furthermore, reports on past efforts were presented by the JCI Kanazawa, UN University OUIK, and Code For Kanazawa。

The final part of the meeting fostered an exchange of advice and diverse ideas for future activities, creating a platform for communication that transcends positions and generations.

Details of the meeting and presentations are also available in the following YouTube video.

・Currently Recruiting IMAGINE KANAZAWA 2030 Partners

We are looking for partners to jointly address local challenges through the SDGs. Issues that have been difficult to resolve can potentially be tackled by bringing together people and companies from various backgrounds, each with their unique strengths, to collaborate. If you are interested, please contact the IMAGINE KANAZAWA 2030 Secretariat.



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