OUIK > News > ICOMOS General Assembly 2023 in Sydney from August 31st to September 9th


ICOMOS General Assembly 2023 in Sydney from August 31st to September 9th

From September 3rd to 9th, OUIK Research Associate Dr. Juan Pastor-Ivars assisted the General Assembly 2023 of ICOMOS in Sydney (Australia). ICOMOS, the International Council on Monuments and Sites, is a non-governmental international organization dedicated to conserving the world’s monuments and sites, offering advice to UNESCO. In Sydney, Dr. Juan Pastor-Ivars and more than 1400 experts from across the globe engaged in a complete program of lectures, workshops, and visits designed to discuss heritage perspectives with the current world concerns of sustainability, conflict, and COVID-19. Dr. Juan participated in the scientific symposium on the Nature-Culture journey, providing a presentation entitled “New Green-Heritage Commons from the Japanese Gardens in Kanazawa.” showcasing a sustainable conservation model for a group of twenty-five historic gardens in Kanazawa. The audience highlighted the relevance of gardens for human well-being and pointed out the necessity of connecting these practices at the urban level globally. Participating in the General Assembly 2023 in Sydney has been a valuable occasion for Dr. Juan to disseminate the Kanazawa urban nature model to a big audience, create new contacts, and strengthen the links between ICOMOS, IUCN, and UNU-IAS.



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