OUIK > News > OUIK’s Cooperation in the Noto Satoyama-Satoumi Biodiversity Seminar


OUIK’s Cooperation in the Noto Satoyama-Satoumi Biodiversity Seminar


On March 4, 2023, the Noto Satoyama-Satoumi Biodiversity Seminar was held during the “Satoyama Satoumi Workshop Day at Ishikawa Prefectural Library event, hosted by the Ishikawa Satoyama Development Promotion Council and Ishikawa Prefecture. Six members from the Noto GIAHS Biodiversity Working Group, supported by the UNU-IAS OUIK, served as lecturers for the seminar.

Researcher Koyama (UNU-IAS OUIK) provided the introduction and summary, while Professors Seiji Yanai (Ishikawa Prefectural University), Shinya Nomura (Ishikawa Nature School), Keiichi Sakai (Kanazawa University’s Division of Marine Environmental Studies), Takahiko Ikemori (Ishikawa Prefecture’s Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Division), and Tomoya Kishioka (Kanazawa University’s Noto Campus) shared in-depth discussions on the creatures found in the Noto Satoyama-Satoumi environment.







This seminar was aimed at participants in elementary school grades and above, and we had 68 attendees on the day of the event. Participants showed great interest in the detailed information about the creatures of the Noto Satoyama-Satoumi and their connection to food, which is not often discussed in everyday life. It was a valuable opportunity to learn about the fascinating ecology and importance of the creatures that inhabit Noto, the interconnections among species, and the citizen-participatory monitoring initiatives and educational materials being developed by the working group. The children were particularly captivated by specimens of creatures they had never seen before, as well as live crabs, bird feathers, and seaweeds. At the end of the seminar, the children enjoyed a quiz about these living creatures.

The event was recorded and is available for viewing on the YouTube channel of  Ishikawa Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Site Utilization Committee.



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