OUIK > News > Lecture by Dr Juan for students at Kanazawa Univ.


Lecture by Dr Juan for students at Kanazawa Univ.

On October 22, Dr. Juan Pastor Ivars gave a lecture at Kanazawa University of Kanazawa in the “UNESCO Biosphere Reserves and Geoparks” that Dr. AidaMammadova, Associate Professor of Kanazawa University Faculty of Organization of Global Affairs, teaches her students. There were more than forty students, including internationals from very different countries. Currently, as a contribution to the Imagine Kanazawa city project, these students are conducting a survey of the number, quality, and environmental conditions of benches  in various areas of the city. Dr. Juan explained the creation of green infrastructure with ecological, social, and economic benefits through conserving Japanese gardens and sacred forests and transforming abandoned green infrastructure into nature-based solutions. The students appreciated knowing the context of this project and taking it into account when carrying out their survey in the city. Professor Dr. Mammadova has been collaborating regularly with the SUN Project in her desire to disseminate and act from the place in the cultural diversity of Kanazawa.



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