OUIK > News > What do satoyama forests mean for companies? ⎯ Learning about the case of Germany ⎯


What do satoyama forests mean for companies? ⎯ Learning about the case of Germany ⎯

Mr. Iida, OUIK Researcher, participated as a panelist in a seminar for the promotion of collaborative activities, entitled “What do satoyama forests mean for companies? Learning about the case of Germany” held at Ishikawa Industrial Promotion Center on November 20, 2015. Ms. Nariko Maeda, the coordinator of Ishikawa International Environmental Cooperation, gave a keynote presentation, in which she introduced activities involving forests in Freiburg, Germany. After that, Mr. Michi-ie of NACS-J explained Japanese policies regarding the preservation of biodiversity, Sekisui Jushi Corp. reported on their forest activities, and Kusanone Co., Ltd. gave a presentation on the use of forest resources as medicinal herbs.

Mr. Iida gave a talk entitled “What private companies should do with regard to Satoyama and forests in response to climate change”.

During the panel discussion, “linkage with other stakeholders” was chosen from among various suggestions as a keyword to promote involvement of private companies. A private company pointed out that the concept behind the process of promoting collaborative work is changing from CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) to CSV (Creating Shared Value).



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