OUIK > News > Hakusan Tedorigawa UNESCO Global Geopark

Hakusan Tedorigawa UNESCO Global Geopark:アーカイブ

OUIK Joined as Participating Member of the Hakusan UNESCO Biosphere Reserve Council


Director Watanabe of OUIK delivers an address at the council meeting


The Hakusan foothills were designated as a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve in 1980. The city of Hakusan manages both the Hakusan Tedori River Geopark Promotion Council and the UNESCO Biosphere Reserve Secretariat, which is a rare case globally. In January 2014, a council was established, led by the municipalities of four prefectures and seven cities and towns that make up the Hakusan region, to apply for an expansion of the transitional area in the Hakusan Biosphere Reserve. OUIK officially joined the council as a participant in August 2015, assisting in gathering information and promoting awareness regarding the review and approval processes for the eco-park designation area.


Watanabe (DIrector of OUIK) and Mayor Yamada (Hakusan City) (on the left) talking about the nature and culture of Hakusan

On May 12, 2015, coinciding with the third council meeting, Watanabe, the director of OUIK, had the opportunity to greet Mayor Yamada of Hakusan CIty, who is also the council president, as a newly appointed participant member. We were able to hear many valuable insights from the mayor, who hails from the Hakusan foothills, about the nature and culture of Hakusan. Moving forward, we hope to contribute to the revitalization of the Hakusan foothills while upholding the principles of the Biosphere Reserve, which promotes coexistence with nature.

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